Hypnotherapy for stress and anxiety in Edinburgh or online.

  • Sleep well at night?

  • Be more productive at work?

  • Stop constant worrying and enjoy life?

  • Cope better with everyday challenges?

  • Feel peaceful and calm inside?

  • Stop your negative thoughts and endless mind chatter?

  • Relax for once and enjoy your life?

I can help you with all of these!

Book a FREE call now to find out more.

I’m a hypnotherapist based in central Edinburgh and online.

I specialise in helping people with stress and anxiety feel calmer and happier and better able to cope with life.

There are so many things to feel anxious about right now. Whether you’re worried about work, money, family, relationships, the general state of the world right now or anything else, I’m here to help you build the tools that will enable you to find peace and move through life with ease and joy!

Book a FREE call now to find out how I can help you.


Much happier and sleeping well

I had been under considerable strain after some family upsets and was not sleeping well for some time, unable to ‘get my head round the problems’. Friends suggested getting help but I was reluctant about a third party knowing my personal set up.

Eventually I got in touch with Antonia and found her reassuring manner and quiet voice very comforting and handed myself over to her. I had no idea how long I was “under””, but it was a very pleasant experience and I was very cheered. That night I slept quickly, deeply, had happy dreams and was looking at life with an overwhelming sense of hope and positivity!

I arranged a second  appointment with Antonia with the same outcome and can’t thank her enough for her gentle support.


Coming to terms with grief

I had recently lost my beloved sister after a long battle with cancer, and hadn’t been able to sleep for months. After hearing about Antonia  I thought there was nothing to lose and booked a session with her.

I think it was a mixture of her calm and relaxed demeanour and soft voice that really gave me the confidence to go ahead.

I found it an amazing experience , I just let go and that night, I slept for 8 hrs straight through!! It was the first step to the healing process and although I’m still grieving, I am coming to terms with my loss. Thankyou Antonia.

I’d be happy to chat with you if you’d like to find out more about hypnotherapy and how it can help with your stress and anxiety.

Just click the button below to book a FREE 20 minute call and let’s chat.