Have you tried everything to stop smoking and just about lost hope that it’s even possible?

If you’re serious about quitting smoking, once and for all, hypnotherapy could be the answer you’ve been searching for!

Your hypnotherapy sessions will help you visualise new, positive ways of seeing yourself and your life. You’ll take the wonderful feeling of being a non-smoker who doesn’t need cigarettes to cope with and enjoy life with you out into the world, so that things that would have triggered your craving previously no longer have the same effect.

Hypnosis came out top in the largest ever scientific comparison of smoking cessation methods. Isn’t it time you gave it a try too?

I’m here to help you quit smoking, once and for all!

Stop smoking

  • Create lasting effects

  • Get rid of triggers

  • See yourself as a non-smoker

  • Stop smoking for good

Quit without suffering

  • Reduce cravings and weight gain

  • Create healthier habits

  • Be around smokers without fear of temptation

  • See how much money you’re saving!

Live a better life

  • Feel healthier

  • Get fitter

  • Boost longevity

  • Rediscover your taste buds

  • Increase your energy reserves

Single Session option

Book the Single Session option if you want to quit immediately.

  • 30 min initial consultation to discuss reasons for quitting and triggers.

  • 1 x 2 hour session


Multi-sessions option

Book the Multi Session if you want to stop more gradually

  • 30 min initial consultation to discuss reasons for quitting and triggers.

  • 2 x 1 hour sessions roughly a week apart


Sessions taking place online require use of a private space with a comfortable chair as well as access to a computer which can receive a video call.

During each session we will do a checkin on how you have been feeling, consider techniques that might be helpful and then proceed to the trance, finishing with a reflection on the session.

The first thing to do is to book a FREE 20 minute discovery call where we will chat about what hypnotherapy offers and how it can help you with your stress and anxiety.

Just click below to book your call now.